A Literary Arts Journal
Meg Freer
Meg Freer grew up in Montana and lives in Ontario where she is a piano teacher. Her photos and poems have won awards and have been accepted for publication in chapbook anthologies and journals such as COG, NatureWriting, Mothers Always Write, Young Ravens Literary Review, Eastern Iowa Review, and Rat’s Ass Review. In 2017 she won a writing fellowship and attended the Summer Literary Seminars in Tbilisi.
the world returns with a shudder
as if it were an ordinary afternoon
without dark purples and reds
straining to burst from the music
and tattoo our skin
soon night will close over
the moon-hour and the red rose
that perishes in the snow
will bloom again
broad pink bands paint
morning sky’s attempt
to write reality
a tableau of tragic music
in a major key
high-sun summer
prints dense simplicity on my skin
my voice deserts me
words dress in silence
an alleluia from head to foot
a door stands open